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High Flow Leak Sealing in Concrete

Waterstop Injection - Water Ingress Solutions for concrete structures. Seepage issues may typically originate through a crack in the concrete, a masonry wall, a failed waterproof membrane or may be created by hydrostatic pressure under the foundation caused by the rising groundwater table....

Quality assurance is a tool for us, the client and the supplier where we follow procedures and standards; document the processes and inspect the works as means of ensuring that products and services meet the critical elements of our client's projects to ultimately produce the...

The origin of Waterstop Solutions - from tunnels to your home. Did you know that Waterstop Solutions was originally set up to service the construction of the Clem7 tunnel (The M7 Clem Jones Tunnel) in 2009 by Harold Du Toit? Harold provided many design solutions...

Through training, certification in Working at Heights, HRW (High Risk Work), EWP (Elevated Work Platform), and Confined Space qualification, we aim to nurture a Relentless Safety Culture and increase each team member's understanding of the work health and safety outcomes associated with their decisions, behaviours...

Remedial waterproofing of basement storeroom area. The part of the building that was affected by water ingress is partially built underground in a hilly area of Brisbane and was originally a garage that has since been converted into a storage room with adjoining bedrooms....

Sydney basement car park suffering high-flow water intrusion Waterstop Solutions NSW came to the site manager’s aid and swiftly responded to the emergency situation where the whole lower level of the car park was flooded. ...

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