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Our Brisbane office has gone solar! Going solar is a great choice for Waterstop Solutions for a couple of reasons. We wanted to do our part in reducing our traditional electricity usage by replacing it with a greener electricity source, so shifting to solar energy consumption is...

Our Brisbane office has gone solar! Going solar is a great choice for Waterstop Solutions for a couple of reasons. We wanted to do our part in reducing our traditional electricity usage by replacing it with a greener electricity source, so shifting to solar energy consumption is...

Concrete stump repair - The damage to the concrete stumps/stilts by efflorescence appeared to be in the early to mid-stage with only two small sections of unsound concrete observed. When treated early, the risk of developing concrete spalling may be largely mitigated. Harold provided many design...

Did you know that Waterstop Solutions was originally set up to service the construction of the Clem7 tunnel (The M7 Clem Jones Tunnel) in 2009 by Harold Du Toit, one of our two Directors? Harold provided many design solutions and implementation strategies during the construction...

This leaking below grade wall was treated by one of our leak sealing specialists while both he and our client carefully followed the detailed government guidelines of health, hygiene and social distancing practices for risk prevention. This was particularly important because our client is in...

We can safely conduct inspections during the Coronavirus crisis, but did you know that Waterstop Solutions can provide quotes without an inspection?* Everyone at Waterstop Solutions has been given detailed instructions on how to follow the Government guidelines of health, hygiene and social distancing practices...

JOINT SEALANT REPLACEMENT - Weather and exposure to the elements degrade joint sealants with time. It may harden and dry out the sealant, resulting in the loss of elasticity. All sealants reach a point where they no longer are effective - even with the correct...

Waterproofing and structural design considerations for green roofs. A green roof brings a wealth of benefits when it is skillfully designed, soundly constructed within the load-bearing capacity and has a waterproofing system in excellent condition. Is the existing waterproofing system on your roof able to...

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