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pipe penetration leak repair Tag

Based on our inspector’s assessment, the spalling concrete along the slab edge is caused by water leaking through the floor/wall joint from the lawn and planter box area directly above the slab. During the inspection, our inspector noted that guttering was installed right underneath the slab...

Times of drought - All water utilities across Australia struggle with increased population growth and extended periods of low rainfall. The Millennium Drought has caused challenges for all Australian urban water supplies. The levels in major east coast storages have diminished to the lowest levels in...

Did you know that Waterstop Solutions was originally set up to service the construction of the Clem7 tunnel (The M7 Clem Jones Tunnel) in 2009 by Harold Du Toit, one of our two Directors? Harold provided many design solutions and implementation strategies during the construction...

This leaking below grade wall was treated by one of our leak sealing specialists while both he and our client carefully followed the detailed government guidelines of health, hygiene and social distancing practices for risk prevention. This was particularly important because our client is in...

We can safely conduct inspections during the Coronavirus crisis, but did you know that Waterstop Solutions can provide quotes without an inspection?* Everyone at Waterstop Solutions has been given detailed instructions on how to follow the Government guidelines of health, hygiene and social distancing practices...

Times of drought - All water utilities across Australia struggle with increased population growth and extended periods of low rainfall. The Millennium Drought has caused challenges for all Australian urban water supplies. The levels in major east coast storages have diminished to the lowest levels in...

Consequences of water ingress to the lift pit. Water in the lift pit can lead to Health & Safety issues and costly lift break down. Any water in the lift pit can affect the lift mechanism and electrical systems, which may lead to the lift breaking down....

A potentially advantageous proposal put to Waterstop Solutions recently highlights a major failing in the construction industry, where waterproofing work is severely undervalued, often with costly ramifications for all stakeholders....

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