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Good maintenance begins with a proactive approach to maintain, keep, preserve and protect a building. The purpose of proactive maintenance is to detect issues that can be anticipated and rectified before they develop further.  🔹 A preventative maintenance program of the concrete structures is likely to be more cost-effective depending on the extent...

  Brisbane weather: City to get month’s rainfall in a weekend Courier Mail reports today, 24th August 2018, that A WET and possibly thundery weekend is forecast across southern Queensland, with Brisbane expected to reach its average monthly rainfall total in just three days, starting today. Source:  https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/weather/brisbane-weather-city-to-get-months-rainfall-in-a-weekend/news-story/7e4253d605a830f811406b08ad1642cd Brisbane is going to...

Wall-floor joints in infill slabs often act as leakage points. There is a general perception that brick and tile houses are safe from termites. The fact is that a large number of brick houses in Queensland have timber wall and roof framing. When termites (white...

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