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Form 43 has replaced Form 16

Form 43 has replaced Form 16


Waterstop Solutions is no longer issuing Form 16 after The New Building Regulation 2021 came into effect on 1 September 2021. We can, however, issue a Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee) in its place. 


A Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee) can be completed and signed by the QBCC licensees and corporations to confirm the aspect work complies with the building approval.  All building forms have been updated to reflect the new numbering and parts of the Building Regulation 2021 (BR 2021).  Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC licensee) is to be used for the purposes of sections 68, 69 and 70(1)(a) of the Building Regulation 2021, to state the aspect work for a single detached class 1a building and class 10 building and structure is compliant with the building development approval.


When is a Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee) used?


A QBCC licensee completes this form, if they have carried out the aspect work (or authorised under the QBCC Regulation) that is subject to a building development approval for a single detached class 1a building or a class 10 building or structure. The QBCC licensee must complete the form informing the building certifier how the aspect work complies with the building development approval.

The QBCC licensee for the aspect of work may give this completed form to the building certifier or competent person (inspections).




Can Waterstop Solutions provide me with a Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee)?


Unless we completed the task or inspected the works at the three key stages of; surface preparation, membrane application and completion prior to tiling, then no we cannot issue you with a Form 43 Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee), which can be completed by QBCC licensees and corporations.



Can Waterstop Solutions provide me with a Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee) if my builder refuses or I can no longer contact them?


Unfortunately, we cannot legally issue you with a Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee) as we have not completed/inspected the works at each stage. In the event that this occurs, you will require the waterproofing membrane to be redone to gain a new Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee) from the new contractor you engage.



Following The New Building Regulation 2021, what is a Form 16 – Inspection Certificate and who can issue it?

Who can complete this certificate? (sections 10 of the Building Act 1975 (Building Act) and 53(2) of Building Regulation 2021 (BR 2021)).
This Form 16 – Inspection Certificate must be completed and signed by a building certifier for the work or another building certifier or the appointed competent person (inspections) – the inspecting persons.

When is Form 16 – Inspection Certificate needed?

This form is to be completed when an inspecting person inspects a stage of assessable building work, as stated in a notice for
inspection and is satisfied that all relevant aspects of the stage of work have been completed and comply with the building development approval for the work. The inspection time for a stage of work is to be agreed upon between the builder and building certifier and must be carried out by the inspecting person in accordance with best industry practice.

If satisfied the stage is compliant the inspecting person must give the builder for the stage of work the completed and signed Form 16.
The regulation requires the inspecting person to provide the reasons why they are satisfied all aspects of the stage are completed and
compliant, including any tests, specifications, rules, standards, codes of practice or other publications relied upon when making the

The inspecting person may rely on an aspect certificate from an appointed competent person (inspections), (Form 12 – Aspect
Inspection Certificate) or a QBCC licensee (Form 43 – Aspect certificate (QBCC licensee)).




External link to Form 43 – Aspect Certificate (QBCC Licensee): https://www.epw.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/18631/Form43AspectCertificateQBCCLicensee.pdf


External link to Form 16 – Inspections:



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