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PWR – Penetrating Water Repellent sealer protects your property from salt, water penetration and chemical attack, yet allows water vapour to escape so the substrate can “breathe”. PWR is an excellent invisible dry-look water repellent for many substrates including paths and traffic bearing surfaces, bricks, concrete,...

How do you stop efflorescence in tile grout lines? Efflorescence is not only an aesthetic problem but can become a slip hazard on tiled patios, pathways, podiums and balconies. Find out how it can be removed and how to prevent reoccurrence. 7 common vertical and...

Our Brisbane office has gone solar! Going solar is a great choice for Waterstop Solutions for a couple of reasons. We wanted to do our part in reducing our traditional electricity usage by replacing it with a greener electricity source, so shifting to solar energy consumption is...

Concrete stump repair - The damage to the concrete stumps/stilts by efflorescence appeared to be in the early to mid-stage with only two small sections of unsound concrete observed. When treated early, the risk of developing concrete spalling may be largely mitigated. Harold provided many design...

Tips for cleaning slip-resistant concrete floors: 1. Sweep 2. Wash 3. Rinse 4. Squeegee The texture of slip-resistant concrete flooring provides you with the traction you need for safety. It also means that you may need to take a different approach to cleaning. Many slip-resistant floor coatings provide a “gritty”...

What do we mean by subsurface drainage? Why is it important and how do we fix it? Advantages of reliable and durable subsurface drainage. Facilitates the evacuation of water. Avoids pooling of water and saturation of tiling or topping screeds. Reduces moisture-related distress. Provides aeration to the building elements. Aids in...

  "Recently had some concrete efflorescence and deterioration repaired that was needed as part of the building conditions for selling our house. We didn't want to book the work until the house contract went unconditional but a month out from the settlement date. I thought I...

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