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structural concrete repair

Everyone’s safety is our priority – Always. At this stage, all our services will continue as planned. Due to the evolving situation with COVID-19, we have taken a number of steps to ensure the health and safety of our all clients and staff members. Everyone at Waterstop Solutions...

Waterproofing and structural design considerations for green roofs. A green roof brings a wealth of benefits when it is skillfully designed, soundly constructed within the load-bearing capacity and has a waterproofing system in excellent condition. Is the existing waterproofing system on your roof able to...

Once water enters a crack, it is usually only a matter of time before the water leads to oxidization of the rebar/reinforcing steel. Concrete steps can crack and break up over time. Thermal changes and exposure to rain and driving wind can lead to water...

Water leaking into the basement after heavy rain is a common occurrence. Water always finds a way, so basement waterproofing and adequate drainage are especially needed in cases where groundwater is likely to build up in the soil and cause a rise in the water...

Times of drought - All water utilities across Australia struggle with increased population growth and extended periods of low rainfall. The Millennium Drought has caused challenges for all Australian urban water supplies. The levels in major east coast storages have diminished to the lowest levels in...

Consequences of water ingress to the lift pit. Water in the lift pit can lead to Health & Safety issues and costly lift break down. Any water in the lift pit can affect the lift mechanism and electrical systems, which may lead to the lift breaking down....

Cracking concrete slabs - Structural restoration In the light of the current media coverage of the building defect crisis in Australia, we have had an influx of inquiries regarding observed potential structural cracks in concrete slabs and other types of building defect issues such as failed...

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