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Everyone’s safety is our priority – Always

Everyone’s safety is our priority – Always - Waterstop Solutions

Everyone’s safety is our priority – Always

First and foremost, the team here at Waterstop Solutions sincerely hopes you and your loved ones are healthy in this uncertain time. Our thoughts are with those affected by COVID-19. 

We’re here to help. At this stage, all our services will continue as planned while following all government recommendations to protect our staff, clients and suppliers.

Due to the evolving situation with Covid-19, we have taken a number of steps to ensure the health and safety of all our clients and staff members. We will continue to monitor and implement the most recent government advice while maintaining contact with our entire workforce to make sure there are no changes to their health.

Everyone at Waterstop Solutions has been given detailed instructions on how to follow the Government guidelines of health, hygiene and social distancing practices to help prevent contracting and spreading the COVID-19 virus.

We are at this moment working on multiple government critical water infrastructure sites for Urban Utilities, SEQ Water and hospitals including the RBWH and Queensland Children’s Hospital where Health and Safety regulations are strictly followed.

Currently, anyone of our staff who can work from home now is, and we have created set work-groups of technicians. Each work-group maintains extra distance from another if interacting with other work-groups at our warehouse. The purpose of having set groups of technicians on jobs is to restrict the number of our workforce who could be affected in the case of someone contracting COVID-19. Extra caution and hygiene practices are being applied if tool sharing is required.

We at Waterstop Solutions have informed all our staff on our procedure and plan of action if COVID-19 infection is suspected or diagnosed amongst our staff members.

Waterstop Solutions remains open and we are ready to respond to any questions about upcoming works, so please feel free to contact our offices in Brisbane and Sydney to schedule in inspections, remedial waterproofing, leak sealing, joint repair and concrete repair works.

If you have works that are scheduled in to be carried out for you and you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms including fever, aches, sore throat, dry cough or shortness of breath, we kindly request that you notify our office ahead of time. We will be happy to either reschedule or try work around if feasible.

Let’s all work together for risk prevention. Practice social distancing of 1 person per 4 m2 as per current guidelines issued by the government. Stay safe and look after one another.

Warm regards from the Waterstop Solutions team.


If you have any questions about any upcoming works to be carried out, please feel free to contact our offices in Brisbane and Sydney.

Brisbane: 07 3205 1899 


Sydney: 02 9346 8308 

E: [email protected]


If you have any issues with water ingress, rooftop leaks, leaking balcony, leaking basement, cracking concrete slabs, structural cracks, concrete deterioration, spalling concrete, concrete cancer, deteriorated joints, moisture, seepage, efflorescence, rising damp and/or high-flow active leaks in concrete structures, we would be happy to assist you. You are welcome to contact us with any questions that you may have.


Are you interested in finding out more about the various remedial building services we are providing?

Please click on the image below to download Waterstop Solutions Capability Statement

Waterstop Solutions Capability Statement

Waterstop Solutions Capability Statement is now available to download as PDF. (The image is clickable and opens up a link to our Capability Statement). 




Good maintenance begins with a proactive approach to maintain, keep, preserve and protect a building. 

Remember that seepage/water ingress into areas such as balconies, basements, concrete roofs, car parks and retaining walls, should not be ignored – call a remedial waterproofing professional today for an assessment to provide you with the best solution for your situation.

At Waterstop Solutions, we carry out a wide range of remedial works to concrete structures post-construction stage in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Sydney and outlying areas in Queensland and New South Wales.

Equipped with major civil works experience, we can quickly determine the best approach to rectify all seepage and concrete deterioration issues.


It takes licenced remedial waterproofer and leak sealing experts like us at Waterstop Solutions to ensure that the pathways for water to ingress are properly sealed off. A depth of technical knowledge and experience, along with a proud reputation for integrity and reliability, has made Waterstop Solutions the go-to company for many Defect Managers working for major construction companies across Queensland and New South Wales.

We at Waterstop Solutions have the technical and practical expertise to diagnose the source of the leak and will provide you with our recommended solution to achieving an effective, high-quality, long-lasting repair to stop the water ingress with minimal disruption

We believe in and are committed to always delivering high-quality solutions by utilising the right products and techniques for each specific project combined with our industry-leading know-how on tap. We have a large talent pool of specialist leak sealing and concrete repair technicians with Certificate III in construction waterproofing in Queensland and New South Wales that are extensively trained in our systems and project execution methods.

The leadership positions on every Waterstop Solutions project are operated by highly qualified, certified and experienced industry professionals. Our in-house skills and expertise gained from more than 60 years of industry experience provide a full range of high-quality remedial waterproofing and concrete repair works to commercial buildings, civil infrastructures, industrial sites and residential properties. From waterproofing diagnostics, preventative and remediation solutions – All of our waterproofing solutions are quality guaranteed.


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