21 Nov What problems can a leaking lift pit cause?
Consequences of water ingress to the lift pit
Water in the lift pit can lead to Health & Safety issues and costly lift break down.
Any water in the lift pit can affect the lift mechanism and electrical systems, which may lead to the lift breaking down. If the water touches the lift’s electrical items, the situation can become very dangerous. Corrosion of essential lift parts is potentially a risk to safety. The damage to the lift mechanism and the electrical system can result in costly repairs.
The water in the lift pit may be contaminated by oil and grease from the lift equipment, so a sump pump is not recommended unless the disposal of any water from the pit is performed in line with environmental regulations.
Even if a lift pit is fitted with a sump pump, during heavy rain, the water may not be able to disperse due to storm drains and sewers being under extreme strain, causing pits to back up.
Furthermore, a build-up of condensation and stagnant water in the lift pit may produce a foul smell described as ‘rotten egg’ odour, which is caused by hydrogen-sulfide gas resulting from anaerobic decomposition. This does not only smell bad, but it can be hazardous to lift technicians and maintenance contractors. Any repair works would require trained and qualified confined space entry personnel using gas exposure monitors that can detect the presence of the substance.
Why does lift pit waterproofing fail so often?
A common problem with lift pits is groundwater leaking into the lift pit area, especially during and after heavy or prolonged rain events. We often discover that the causes of water ingress problems in lift pits are due to:
- Incorrectly installed or damaged waterproofing system.
- The pit is too old for any effective waterproofing system to have been originally installed.
- Floor/wall joint acts as a passageway for water ingress.
- Defects and cracks in walls and floor that have evolved over the years, sometimes caused by movement.
- Deteriorated construction components.
- Altered water table levels.
Lift pits are like mini basements because they are almost always below ground. The design of a lift pit should be considered as an integral part of the structure/building design and waterproofed to prevent water ingress.
Lift pits are vulnerable to rising water table levels, especially during the wet season. The water table can be altered by adjacent construction, so a lift pit that used to be dry can now be at risk of water intruding the structure. Water can enter the lift pit via construction joints, cracks in the walls or floor. Water has a way of finding a way through any weak points by following the path of least resistance. Once water has entered the lift pit, it will pool on the floor and keep rising, usually until it has reached the height of the water table.
How can Waterstop Solutions help keep your basement and lift pit dry and prevent moisture from making its way in?
Wall to floor joints in infill slabs and retaining walls and service pipe penetrations often act at basement leakage points. This can cost-effectively be remediated. Water that enters through access points can be tricky to successfully seal and patching things up rarely works. A wet basement/lift pit can be treated by targeted high-pressure injection into the wall-floor joint and/or into vertical joints, such as between contiguous piles. Curtain injection method may also be used to waterproof structural elements that are in contact with the ground and are affected by water intrusion. The injected hydrophilic polyurethane liquid chases the water deep into cracks and voids in the building elements and forms a flexible watertight seal. This remedial waterproofing treatment can be followed by the application of a waterborne epoxy coating or a negative side waterproof membrane.
Image: Lift pit successfully leak sealed/waterproofed by Waterstop Solutions.
It takes licenced remedial waterproofer and leak sealing experts like us at Waterstop Solutions to ensure that the pathways for water to ingress are properly sealed off. A depth of technical knowledge and experience, along with a proud reputation for integrity and reliability, has made Waterstop Solutions the go-to company for many Defect Managers working for major construction companies across Queensland and New South Wales.
We can turn damp, leaking lift pits, lift shafts and basements dry and safe again. We at Waterstop Solutions have the technical and practical expertise to diagnose the source of the leak and will provide you with our recommended solution to achieving an effective, high-quality, long-lasting to stop the water ingress with minimal disruption
We believe in and are committed to always delivering high-quality solutions by utilising the right products and techniques for each specific project combined with our industry-leading know-how on tap. We have a large talent pool of specialist leak sealing and concrete repair technicians with Certificate III in construction waterproofing in Queensland and New South Wales that are extensively trained in our systems and project execution methods.
The leadership positions on every Waterstop Solutions project are operated by highly qualified, certified and experienced industry professionals. Our in-house skills and expertise gained from more than 60 years of industry experience provide a full range of high-quality remedial waterproofing and concrete repair works to commercial buildings, civil infrastructures, industrial sites and residential properties. From waterproofing diagnostics, preventative and remediation solutions – All of our waterproofing solutions are quality guaranteed.
If you have any issues with water ingress, cracking concrete slabs, structural cracks, concrete deterioration, moisture, seepage, efflorescence, rising damp and/or high-flow active leaks in concrete structures, we would be happy to assist you. You are welcome to contact us with any questions that you may have.
Brisbane office: (07) 3205 1899
Email: [email protected]
Sydney office: 02 9346 8308
Email: [email protected]
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Good maintenance begins with a proactive approach to maintain, keep, preserve and protect a building.
Remember that seepage/water ingress into areas such as balconies, basements, concrete roofs, car parks and retaining walls, should not be ignored – call a remedial waterproofing professional today for an assessment to provide you with the best solution for your situation.
At Waterstop Solutions, we carry out a wide range of remedial works to concrete structures post-construction stage in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Sydney and outlying areas in Queensland and New South Wales.
Equipped with major civil works experience, we can quickly determine the best approach to rectify all seepage and concrete deterioration issues.