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Water Damage in Self Storage Facility

Water Damage in Self Storage Facility

We help keep your storage facility dry for you

How devastating it would be if treasured belongings in storage were to be found water damaged and mouldy because water is leaking into the building!

The best way to handle any kind of potential water damage to the contents of storage units is prevention, repairs and building maintenance.

This is what we are currently assisting one of the leading self storage providers in Australia with.

Waterstop Solutions technicians are in the process of upgrading the coating system and waterproof detailing to the retaining walls by:

  • Crack Injection of Polyurethane into the wall / floor joint to create a lasting deep waterproof seal.
  • Removal of  that with acid wash.
  • Application of a reverse side epoxy moisture barrier to full height to the walls and lapped around throughout the spoon drain.


These photos are from our inspection and assessment before we commenced works

Wet walls and floor in self storage facility

Wet self storage storage room corner

Efflorescence caused by water leak in self storage facility


Have you seen any signs of wet or damp walls and / or floors in your basement, garage, warehouse or storage facility that require remedial waterproofing?

We welcome your questions as we are happy to help.

Ph: (07) 3205 1899
Email: [email protected]

Waterstop Solutions is committed to providing a high standard of service. With more than 50 years combined industry experience in our management team, we lead our work force to deliver just that. The best measure of our success is the “follow on” works from our existing clients. 

Our commitment to safety and our impact on the environment always takes first priority. Our approach to quality is to plan; control; monitor and grow from the outcomes. Quality assurance is a tool for us; the client and the supplier to micro manage the critical elements of their project that ultimately produces an optimal result. With limited training opportunities for our field of expertise in Australia, we have invested in sending our project manager to Singapore, USA and Germany (recognized leaders in this field) to undergo extensive training. This provides us with the foundation for further development and up-skilling of our Australian workers.



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